His punishment began when I pulled him into the living room, unbuttoned his pants and pulled down his underwear, I spanked his bottom while he stood in the middle of the room, then I instructed him to take his pants and underwear all the way off.
Next I made him bend over, I retrieved my long wooden paddle and started swatting his bare pink ass, gradually swinging harder.
I then had him kneel down on the floor, I put down the paddle and picked up my black strap, stood over him and gave his little bottom a thorough strapping.
I so look forward to your updates every Friday – thanks for another great one!
Now that March madness is about to start – have you ever thought of doing an implement tournament with him? My wife and I have done several and they are great. Make out a bracket and then spank one cheek a certain number of stroke with one implement and then spank the other the same with the second implement. You then pick a winner and move on to the next round.
You can do the tournament multiple times by changing how a winner is picked such as:
Best sound (at impact)
Best sound (made by spankee)
Best coloring
Best marking
At the end you then give a nice long hard spanking with the winner — though depending on how many rounds you have done that part sometimes has to wait!!
Best ending would be him eating his cum from her pussy
Best ending would be him eating his cum from her pussy
White hot spots on his bottom. Sweet.