For this special 100th video we rented a hotel room and I promised to deliver one hundred smacks to his bottom with my hand, I also brought along my leather strap to give him another 100 whacks.

I began the spanking sitting on a chair calling my husband over, unbuttoned his pants pulled them down to his knees placed him comfortably over my lap and started smacking his bottom. After a minutes I pulled his boxers down to reveal a two lightly pink hand prints on each cheek of his buttocks.

Automatically I start spanking him again like I usually do, with firm swats lasting a good minute or two until needing to break. That’s when I realized I was supposed to be counting so I attempted to slap each cheek, left then right side and that would be one spank to his ass. I’m pretty sure I got the 100 smacks to his bare bottom taking a break after 50 then doing the another 50.

I warned him the spanking wasn’t over, later on that evening I took out my leather strap and had my bare bottomed husband bend over the bed to take another 100 smacks with the strap. I guess I was to excited and nervous about others in the hotel hearing what was happening in this room, I intended for the spanking to be a slower pace but still gave him 50 whacks, rubbed his bottom and gave him the other 50 doing 40 and wanting to do the last 10 slower then I did.

This may have been one of the funniest spankings I’ve done in a while even though I still feared what others where actually hearing on the outside of this walls before and after the spanking, however at the time I didn’t care and I really felt comfortable in the role and I’d like to think it had something to do with the environment.

One major point is that the spankee must be helpless to end the spanking. When he wants it to end, this is when it really begins. Has to be trust and safe limits though.
Great wife-very happy marriage—My wife is of a more religious and moral nature-So it is just understood and accepted by both if i g out drinking and carousing with the guys I got a bare ass paddling when i get home–I shower quick and just bend over and hold bottom of tub and she paddles my bare butt and it hurts like crazy—but then everything is once again fine between us We have a totally trust level so no issue of shame or humiliation One rule: no one else ever knows—Has workede fine for us for yrs
Hope you guys are well ,and staying safe and healthy
Do you ever paddle him until he’s in tears and then give him about 30 more? Ever use a short bath brush on him? That is the worst.
Yes, although I feel really guilty after. I have used my short bath brush on him a few times, I’d like to use it more though.
Very impressive, I am especially in awe of the dignified elegance in your over the knee spanking. Is he also treated to the cane? Was he always so quiet when whacked, or did he scream and kick and protest but gradually been taught that a real man accepts his just treatment?
Thanks, we have not done a caning yet. Yes he has always been quiet during all of his spankings i think he has learned just to accept them as there are what he is asking for.
Thanks, haven’t used the cane on his bottom yet. In the beginning he was more vocal but I think he really just try’s to hold it all in.
Miss your updates- hope you all are safe and healthy!
Melissa – I loved your photo expose in the cane-iac website a few weeks back. Those were some HOT shots! Any chance you will post those photos here to your site? I can’t wait for your next video and hope all continues to be well for you and hubby.
Love the video
I think a spanking with your hand would do me in,never mind a strap or aything else😱
Such a fun bed and a nice room – what a great location to celebrate your 100th video. Hopefully you were able to pay for it entirely with your video earnings!
Now about the spanking — great as always! Your husband is such a lucky man! Have you ever spanked anyone besides him? For fun that is.
Yes it is a great location one of our favourite places!
Thank you, 😊. No, I haven’t spanked anyone except my husband.
I have to say the room is amazing almost Victorian in nature. Your dress, legs and your shoes just make this scene so amazing.
Thank you
Amazing post. I must say the environment of course added to the spanking but so did that lovely dress you were wearing. Just so pretty and strict.